Publishing Services
Now that you’ve spent plenty of time writing and perfecting your manuscript, let us take care of the publishing process. Publishing a book can be a time consuming, expensive and daunting experience. But we are here to help you at every stage. We have published many books of fantastic quality and are happy to showcase them. Take a look at our services in full below.

Wholsale Distribution
Distribution with our wholesalers Bertrams and Gardners. They are two of the leading wholesalers of books in the UK and between them have thousands of clients. Distribution with them will normally involve a cost for direct marketing. More details are available on request.

E-book Conversion
Have your work converted to an Ebook file which can be sold through many retailers such as Amazon Kindle, Nook, IPad, Iphones and Kobo. Choose your own distribution or we can help you sell with these companies.

Book Review
You can choose to have your book reviewed by leading reviewers in the industry. This is geared for self-publishers who would like the added benefit of quality assurance to attract readers and publishers

Press Release & PR Campaign
A good PR campaign can launch your profile as an author and book into the public eye. We work with seasoned PR specialists such as JHPR & Literally PR to help youa chieve this. They will build a tailored campaign to your needs with a proven track record of getting media coverage across print, online and broadcast media

Advanced Marketing
There are many ways to market your book in today’s world of web and communications. We work with specialist book promoters whose job it is to help you market and promote your book. As a standard package we will enroll you with our marketers and you will receive 1 month of tweets, and either 2 extra books or a book trailer! Your book will also be included in that month’s special offer email.

Audio Book
As a writer it is nice to get your book out into all the formats possible to allow your readers the flexibility of accessing your titles and creating more revenue. We can help you to make a quality audio book to be sold through Audible, ACX and Itunes

Every book is different and deserves to be presented in a unique way. If your book is specialised such as a graphic novel, history book or other technical discipline we can put you in touch with our in-house illustrator or other freelancers to help you get the images you desire.